Examples, Inspirations, Success Stories, Top athletes

Top athletes

Tom Brady
The best-ever football player is the perfect testament to how much of sports is in the mind. He was athletically limited, yet will, knowledge, passion, hard work and discipline have made him the best of all time.

  • Mental strength, regardless of the situation, the belief in himself, in his abilities and in victory was unwavering.
  • In seiner TB12 Methode spricht er von Pliability (Flexibilität). Für ihn ein Hauptgrund wie er noch mit 45 Höchstleistungen erbringen kann. Sein Wurfarm hat im Gegensatz zu anderen Quarterbacks nicht im Alter nachgelassen. Flexibilität ist ein stark unterschätzter Punkt in der Leistungsfähigkeit und der Verletzungsprävention eines Athleten.
  • Nutrition: A strict diet, high-plant content, and lots of nutrients.

Novak Djokovic

  • Unglaubliche Ausdauer, in 5 Satz Matches kann er immer noch zulegen und ist fitter als seine teilweise +10 Jahre jüngeren Gegner
  • Spielt sein bestes Tennis in extremen Drucksituationen
  • Mental training takes a major role in his training. Is able to transform the public's antipathy into fuel for him.
  • Transforms his injury and recovery troubles in the 2000's through nutrition and far eastern methods.

Mohamed Salah

  • Als Beispiel für viele Fußballspieler, die Yoga und Flexibilität als wichtiges Merkmal für ihre Leistungsfähigkeit sehen.
  • Salah is a prime example, as he is enormously rarely injured for an explosive dribbler, despite playing in the Premier League, Champions League, and various continental tournaments for years.
  • Salah stresses yoga in particular with longer holding figures and thus deep stretches. I describe the benefits of these stretches in the 4 Pillars. The link is further down the page.

Knowledge Resources


  • Vorneweg, nicht jedes Buch ist automatisch gut und ein Gamechanger. Für mich sind das Erreichte des Autors und Empfehlungen oder Erwähnungen von Menschen, die dort sind, wo man hin will, die wichtigsten Kriterien für ein sehr gutes Buch.
  • An overview of books that have help shape my work are:
    • Gold Mine Effect: as already mentioned on the homepage, this author is involved in the success stories of FC Midtjylland and Brentford FC. He has redefined the concept of talent for me. In a way that innate talent/genetics plays a subordinate role. It's far more a question of environment, training methods, and one's attitude. In his book, he reviewed the parts of the world where the best athletes in the world come from within a particular sport (e.g., in Kenya for long-distance runners)
    • Inner Game of Tennis: Conveys the doctrine that you can perform to your highest potential when you stay in the moment and block out everything else. For me, one of the most fundamental strengths you can possess.
      Again, parallels can be drawn with the abovementioned athletes (Brady, Djokovic).
    • Books on personal development: physical, mental, spiritual.
      What do successful people do in different areas, how does the body influence the mind and vice versa, and how do the universal laws work (e.g., Law of Attraction).


  • Knowledge on specialized topics
    • Breathing, yoga, mental training, athletic training, learning techniques, meditation
  • Motivational videos
  • Interviews with athletes, inspiring people

Online Courses

  • Stretching and pain therapy according to Liebscher Bracht
  • Functional training
  • Posture analysis (correction of one-sided/incorrect loading)
  • Science of Speed (how do I increase my speed [acceleration+ top speed])


The image is intentionally trimmed to retro. There is much ancient knowledge that is being neglected or overlooked in today's world. More recent research coming into the mainstream usually has an economic incentive. We need these devices or means to become more powerful. Yet we have everything we need already within us.

A few examples of this are:

  • Cleveland Clinic Study
    • 10 subjects between the ages of 20 and 35 imagined flexing their biceps for twelve weeks, just mentally. After the study, the subjects had an average of 13.5 percent more strength. The muscle gain remained until three months later.
  • Plastered hands
    • 29 volunteers had their hands plastered.
    • Die eine Hälfte machte nichts, die andere Hälfte trainierte 5 Tage die Woche für 11 Minuten mit mentalen Bildern. Sie stellten sich vor wie sie ihr völlig unbewegliches Handgelenk beugen.
    • In the end, they had twice the muscle strength of the first group
  • similar study focusing on the mental perspective:
    • 3 groups:
      1. Gruppe stellte sich in Gedanken vor wie sie die Übungen machen (vorm inneren Auge), allerdings in Bildern von sich in dritter Person.
      2nd group visualized themselves doing the exercise in real time, that is, from the 1st person.
      3rd group was a control group that did nothing.
    • Result: only the 2nd group achieved progress in strength (10.8% more).
  • And the whole thing works not only with muscle power
    • Harvard study: 2 groups of people who have never played the piano
    • Die erste Gruppe übte 5 Tage lang eine 5 Finger Übung am Klavier.
    • Die zweite Gruppe stellte sich nur in Gedanken vor sie würden die Übung am Klavier machen, ohne jedoch nur einmal am Klavier zu sitzen
    • At the end, brain scans showed that both groups had formed many neural networks in the brain area responsible for finger movements

Human mental ability is gigantic if you are ready to use it fully.
Electromagnetic impulses go from the brain into the body (into the respective area of the body, e.g., into the fingers in the piano example).

Scientists found that significantly more electromagnetic signals were sent from our heart towards the brain. (HearthMath Institute)
If impulses from the brain already produce such strong results, how strong can heart communication be?
Generally, this state is described as a flow state. And I think everyone has experienced it, at least briefly. When everything just works out, you don't think about anything, and it just goes. And you can also practice this state.